How Should You File Your Insurance Claim after a Fire?

fire damage to homeFires can be devastating disasters, and on top of the emotional wreckage they can cause, they can also be a financial burden on a homeowner or business owner. If you need to file an insurance claim after a fire, keep these tips in mind to help make the process go as smoothly as it possibly can.

1. Request a Copy of Your Insurance Policy ASAP

As soon as you can, contact your insurance company to get the process started. Ask for a certified copy of your insurance policy so that you can be sure what damages should be covered and what might not be.

2. Have Your Home Inspected by a Professional

While some fire damage to your home or property might be obvious, other hidden damages can be costly down the road if you miss them during the insurance claim process. To avoid this, make sure you have your home or business thoroughly inspected by a team of professionals who can look for hidden damages, including air quality issues.

3. Hold off on Repairs

You might be tempted to start repair work on your property as quickly as possible, but it’s best to wait until you get the okay from your insurance company to make sure that all damages have been accurately documented and reported.

[pullquote]Damages that need to be fixed right away, such as a leaking roof, should be properly documented first, and make sure you keep the receipts for repairs.[/pullquote]

4. Keep Tabs on Your Claim

Don’t let your fire insurance claim fall through the cracks. It shouldn’t take more than 60 days to settle. If it does, contact your insurance company and inquire as to why your claim is taking so long. Hiring a public adjuster to help with your insurance claim can typically expedite this process.


How Should You File Your Insurance Claim after a Fire?
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How Should You File Your Insurance Claim after a Fire?
Need to file an insurance claim after a fire? Tampa Insurance Claim Consultants provide four important tips to follow when filing your insurance claim.
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Insurance Claim Consultants
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