Our Clients. Their Stories. Our Shared Victories Winning Fair and Accurate Settlements.
A Houston police officer was displaced from her home after a storm caused extensive hurricane and storm damage.She filed a homeowner claim with her insurance company and was unsuccessful working with the carrier’s adjuster. The insurance company’s independent adjuster was uncooperative and adversarial, having told the insured that “she was going to have to make do” with the final settlement offer of $11,849.42.
A 12-unit apartment complex in Sarasota, FL caught fire. Three interior units had extensive smoke and water damage. The property owner filed a claim and expected a quick resolution through the claims process. But, the insurance company adjuster determined that the fire damage to the structure did not meet the deductible set forth in the business insurance policy. The fire claim was denied.
A plumbing leak inside the home of a Grammy Award-winning music producer caused extensive water damage throughout the home. After the initial site visit, the insurance company adjuster determined that there was no withstanding damage to the tile floors in the main living area or to the subfloors upstairs.
A home on New Jersey’s South Shore suffered extensive storm damage from Superstorm Sandy. The homeowner immediately filed an insurance claim, but had to wait 22 days for an adjuster from the insurance company to inspect the damage. A low settlement offer quickly followed.
A fire inside an internationally known chain restaurant caused extensive smoke damage throughout a mini-mall located in St. Louis. Insurance Claim Consultants was hired by the management company to file the fire claim and provide public adjusting services throughout the claim process.
A summer windstorm caused roof damage to a franchised Best Western Hotel in Orlando, Florida. The hotel’s owners filed a claim for roof and storm damage. After the first site visit with the insurance company adjuster, the owners of the hotel realized they needed professional claim help.
A husband and wife’s home of 18 years burned down from an electrical fire in St. Paul, Minnesota. According to the insureds, the dwelling and all of the family’s belongings were completely destroyed in the fire. They anticipated to be paid policy limits for all coverages.
A summer storm caused interior water damage as well as roof damage to an auto body repair shop located in Tampa, Florida. The owner filed a claim with the insurance company and hired a roofer to complete a damage estimate.
A historic home in Birmingham, Alabama was destroyed after an electrical fire damaged the dwelling and personal property. The owner’s daughter, an attorney, handled the claim for her mother.